
標題: Alfa Romeo @ 2010 Goodwood Festival of Speed in UK (July10) [打印本頁]

作者: LINUS    時間: 2010-8-19 21:58
標題: Alfa Romeo @ 2010 Goodwood Festival of Speed in UK (July10)
Alfa Romeo are celebrating their centenary this year, which explains why there are so many of their cars at Goodwood.<br />
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4 k4 z- \5 m: r, r- fIn the mid-nineties the company was active in several touring car championships. The 155 was campaigned in the British championship, <br />6 \, W  o# j$ D8 r4 C  A* D, M
winning in 1995, and also the German DTM series.<br />4 V& [# u# J$ V0 U
<br />( L- W3 D5 z+ a
That became the short-lived ITC in 1996, where the teams enjoyed much greater technical freedom, as it clear to see in the vastly more<br />
3 y# L3 a  A7 W! x7 G+ J' i sophisticated aerodynamics of the ITC racer. Unfortunately spiralling costs killed the ITC<br />
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3 E7 x8 E2 u# ~* x<font size="4"><strong>Alfa Romeo 155 Touring Cars</strong></font><br />+ @$ @( N( E- i. z+ b; @6 s
<strong><font size="4"></font></strong> <br />% \7 p! a0 M4 U% L
<br />0 j7 M: R6 V7 Z1 Z( i
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Alfa Romeo 155 ITC<br />
- d/ }. _5 O/ V, a<br />  k% u5 ~( u7 r
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4 |' I2 V# b, A+ I5 s<br />
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/ v  \4 ]9 ^2 x, q' a  u0 Z<br />
+ Y6 q4 z7 ]+ p  l<img src="/Image/20100819215645251.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" alt="" />

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