
標題: Jaguar XJR14 @ 2010 Goodwood Festival of Speed in UK (July10) [打印本頁]

作者: LINUS    時間: 2010-8-19 21:58
標題: Jaguar XJR14 @ 2010 Goodwood Festival of Speed in UK (July10)
<font size="4"><font color="blue"><strong>Jaguar XJR14</strong></font></font><br />1 K( Y5 N) ]* D- x* g! K4 l; q/ N
<strong><font size="4"><font color="#0000ff"></font></font></strong> <br />3 s; i) R& O1 F4 C5 N
Speaking of which, here is that XJR14. Ross Brawn designed the car, taking advantage of the sports car rule <br />! E  e% Y: }! P
book to build a machine that was little more than an F1 car with a few concessions to sports car regulations.<br />1 M8 u" c; K4 ~* c! G
<br />: T' y5 \* G  |$ H
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4 S( v1 R+ ]4 m7 A5 I4 G  [( C<img src="/Image/20100819215625138.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" alt="" /><br />' G1 S3 Z% A$ |, B4 K
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! Q" W+ n/ ]# F5 u/ W2 w5 h; l8 w<br />
) a( w5 g7 O, T/ B<img src="/Image/20100819215625139.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" alt="" /><br />9 H0 ]* J0 w: [) n2 C- X
<br />4 M' j# b% D7 [
<br />$ H: u# v4 M& j4 v
<img src="/Image/20100819215625140.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" alt="" /><br><br><br><b>
作者: fengquanq    時間: 2011-7-3 09:08

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